New Project at Itabashi


The new project of housing complex at Itabashi, Tokyo has started. By maximising the use of communal areas, we aim to turn the whole site into a living space.

The 47th Tokyo Architectural Award


Hatsuse Mita won a prize in the The 47th Tokyo Architectural Award, Community Housing Category, Grand Prize.
KANEDA Katsunori and MIYAZAKI Hiroshi (Listed in order of appearance) participated in the on-site review. Thank you very much.

Design competition for newly qualified architects(Jury)

井原正揮が、日本建築家協会関東甲信越支部城東地域会の主催する「なりたての建築士のための設計コンペ 《集合住宅》」の審査委員長を務めることになりました。応募資格は令和3年度一級建築士試験合格者です。ご応募お待ちしています。